Work In Progress

On this page you will find information about projects that JokerD are currently undertaking. It is a relatively new page as I write this, but even so, it will continue to expand as we undertake more projects.

Aliens: Homeworld
Aliens: Homeworld is a new game from Gareth Griffiths, the founder of JokerD. At the moment it is currently in the design stage, but a few elements of the game mechanics are under coding.
The game itself will hopefully be a cross between Alien Breed Tower Assault and Metal Gear on the MSX (the top-down view stealth-game).
At the moment, most of the game is uncoded, but it definitely looks like something special. Here is a quick mock-up of the title screen to whet your appetite. It may vary in the finished product:

Atmosphere is the order of the day, and sound and music will be a supreme factor in this. If you have ever watched any of the Alien Trilogy (Alien, Aliens or Alien�) then you will realise the amount of suspense required to accurately recreate a hostile Alien environment such as the one that we want to portray in the game.
More news as it happens.